Love is a beautiful thing; and everyone deserves to be loved unconditionally, especially when they are doing the same. However, with relationships, you don’t always get the perfect situation. The truth is, no relationship is void of its own drama. Every, now and then, the individuals in the relationship are bound to have friction with one another. That is accepted, however, is important to know if you are in a healthy or unhealthy relationship so you don’t keep backing the wrong tree.
Just like everyone deserves to be loved, nobody should be in an unhappy and unhealthy relationship. Therefore it is pertinent that you know what to look out for, or rather the signs that should make you alert to the fact that your relationship has become a toxic one. There are cases of deaths as a result of couples ignoring these tell-tale signs that the relationship has lost its juice.
We are not advocating that you up and leave your relationship because of these signs, no. We are saying if you know that there is an issue developing then you would make a better decision on the next step to take to either resolve the issues or abdicate the relationship altogether. Because, when a relationship is healthy, frictions could be resolved with a smiling face and affectionate dialogue, however, when the opposite is the case, there is pettiness, animosity, and flagrant disregard for the feelings of the other person. Here are the pointers to the fact that your relationship needs “medical” attention:
It is not one of your partner’s jobs to make you insecure, kill your confidence and rip you off your drive. Everyone has got their strengths and weakness and if there is one reason for relationships is to foster growth. That is, your partner should be able to fan your strengths and not project your weaknesses. If your partner is doing the opposite, that’s a sign that all is not well in your garden.
Extreme Jealousy
Jealousy is normal in relationships. As a matter of fact, a lack of it in a relationship may be seen as a sign that something is wrong. It is totally okay to want to be assured by your partner that there is no cause for alarm. However, the emphasis here is when jealousy becomes wild, extreme, and irrational. It often manifests in them snooping through your phone to see who you have been in contact with, monitoring your movement and even restricting them, gaging your social life, and disassociating you from others.
Abuse here may include emotional, verbal, psychological, and even financial abuse. It also includes any form of manipulation. If you have started feeling unsafe in your relationship then it is probably an unhealthy relationship. When you are not assured of what happens the next moment or how they would react and your heart is just doing the races all the time, that’s a sign. They bring you down with words, restrict much-needed financial assistance because they can, constantly bring up your mistakes from the past, that is not a great place to be.
What is a relationship without trust? At the foundation of every relationship is the assurance that whatever we know or have heard from our significant other is as they say it is. However, when you can no longer take their words to the bank, then your relationship needs looking at. Dishonesty and lies would easily break the trust in a relationship, and when trust is gone, there can’t be real intimacy. A relationship becomes unhealthy when the partners lie about their whereabouts, financial dealings, social life, etc.
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Domineering Attitude
Is your partner domineering and controlling? That’s a sign you are in an unhealthy relationship because it never stops. It often escalates to several forms of manipulation because when they restrict your movement or impose the ideas on you or insist you do their bidding, they will find a way to make you believe they are doing it for your own good. This attitude, most times, leads to physical and domestic violence – which would mean the relationship has crossed the line from unhealthy to abusive.
Lack of Interest
If they don’t take interest in the relationship, they probably have no (or have lost) interest in you. A sign of a healthy relationship is genuine interest in the longevity of the relationship. There would be discussions around the future of the relationship. There would be plans, set goals, and obvious progression and growth. If all these are lacking, it is something to be concerned about because you may be in an unhealthy relationship.
Lack of Communication
If relationships are vehicles, communication is definitely the engine. It is always a tough task to discuss with your partner when there is an issue to be sorted out (like after reading this piece and you realize you are in an unhealthy relationship). Be that as it may, communication is an unavoidable ingredient for a healthy relationship. If silent treatment becomes the norm, that’s an unhealthy relationship right there. It will result in withdrawal, pulling away from you, your friends, your family, and the end is always no good.
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